Corona Virus (COVID-19) Update: No Relaxation on Credit Card Outstanding
In my last post, I had already informed our readers regarding 3 months moratorium on term loan EMIs, but the air was not cleared regarding Credit Card outstanding.
With great dismay, I would like to inform you that CC outstandings (including Loan on CC) are not a part of the moratorium.
CNBC-TV18 tweeted that Reserve Bank of India has informed CNBC-TV18, credit card dues won't be part of the 3-month moratorium as it's not part of term loan.
However, I'm sure that Credit Card outstandings should fall under term-loan as to date the plastic card has always been classified as a short-term credit financing instrument. I'm not sure how come RBI did not count it as a term loan. I hope RBI clears the air soon as lots of people with outstandings on their card are panicking.
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Corona Virus (COVID-19) Update: No Relaxation on Credit Card Outstanding
Reviewed by Rahmat
March 27, 2020

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